Causes Of Hypotension.
Borderline low blood pressure in a person, it may be normal for another. Most normal blood pressure is in the range of 90/60 mmHg up to 130/80 mmHg, but shortfall significantly (even up to 20 mmHg), can cause problems for most people.
There are 3 main types of hypotension:
- Ortostatik hypotension, including postprandial hypotension ortostatik.
- Neurally Mediated Hypotension (NMH).
- Severe hypotension, caused by shock (loss of blood suddenly), infection, or severe allergic reaction.
Ortostatik hypotension caused by changes in the position of the body suddenly. Most often when switching from lying to standing. This type of hypotension are usually only last a few seconds or minutes. If this type of hypotension occurs after a meal, it is called postprandial hypotension ortostatik. This type is usually experienced by adult old age, those who have high blood pressure, and people with parkinson's disease.
NMH is often experienced by young adults and children. Hypotension is also happens when someone sits for too long.
Hypotension can be caused by these things:
- Alcohol.
- Reliever medicine uneasy.
- Certain types of anti-depressant.
- Diuretic.
- Heart medications, including drugs hypertension and coronary artery disease.
- Medications used in surgery.
- Pain medication.
Other causes:
- Severe Diabetes.
- Anaphylaxis (allergic response on the harm).
- Changes in heart rhythm (Arrhythmias).
- Dehydration.
- Faint.
- A heart attack.
- Heart failure.
- Shock (as a result of severe infection, stroke, anaphylaxis, blood loss, or a heart attack).
The symptoms of hypotension:
- Head dizzy.
- Mengshan.
- Confused.
- Faint.
- Sleepy.
- The body weak and limp.
- Head feels light and spin.
Diagnosis of hypotension:
The doctor will examine you, and look for the cause of your low blood pressure. Vital signs (temperature, pulse, rate of breathing, blood pressure) will be examined.
The doctor will ask you some questions such as:
- How much does your normal blood pressure?
- Any medicines you consume?
- What is your normal eating patterns?
- Disease, accident, or injury suffered recently?
- Other symptoms are you experiencing?
- Have you had a chance to experience fainting and feeling less vigilant?
- Are you dizzy and head feels light when standing or sitting after lying down?
Treatment Of Hypotension:
Hypotension in people who are healthy and do not cause health problems, usually do not require treatment.
If hypotension symptoms or signs appear, you may need treatment. Sure its treatment tailored to the cause of your hypotension. Severe hypotension caused by shock is a medical emergency. You may be given additional blood supply through the needle (IV), medications to increase blood pressure and heart strength, as well as other drugs such as antibiotics.
If your ortostatik hypotension caused by the effects of the drug, the doctor will change the dose of the drug, or replace it with a different drug. Do not consume any medication before talking with your doctor. Other responses to hypotension ortostatik is improving bodily fluids to overcome dehydration or wearing elastic hose to increase blood pressure in the lower part of the body.
Those with NMH should avoid triggers, such as standing with a long period of time. Another treatment is to drink plenty of fluids and increase salt intake (ask the doctor, you may have specific recommendations). In severe cases, medications such as fludrokortison can be prescribed.
The Prognosis.
The Prognosis is a prediction of the possible trip and due to a disease. Low blood pressure can usually be treated successfully.
Complications of Hypotension that may occur:
- Passed Out
- Shock
- Dislocations when collapsed
- Fall, is very dangerous, especially for the aged. Fall will result in injuries such as broken bones. Can also affect a person's quality of life.
- Severe hypotension will make the body lacks oxygen, which can damage the heart, brain, and other organs. This type of hypotension may harm the soul if not immediately addressed.
If you are experiencing symptoms of decreased blood pressure, you should immediately sit or lie down with the legs raised until it is above the surface of the heart. If low blood pressure cause someone fainted (unknowingly), medical aid search immediately. If person is not breathing and pulse does not feel, immediately began CPR.
The Symptoms Of Hypotension:
- The stool is black or Maroon.
- Chest pain.
- Dizziness, head feels light.
- Faint.
- Fever above 101 Fahrenheit (around 38 C).
- Irregular heart rate.
- Short of breath (wheezing).
The way the prevention of Hypotension:
- Avoid alcohol.
- Avoid situations that force you to stand too long (for patient NMH).
- Drink enough fluids.
- Stand up slowly after sitting or lying down.
- Using compression stockings to improve blood pressure in the legs.