Types of Gastrointestinal Disease

1. Chronic Intestinal Inflammation
There are two chronic autoimmune disease, the cause is unknown (idiopathic), Crohn's Disease and Colitis ulcerosa.

  • Crohn's Disease : a form of inflammation of the mucosa of the ileum portion of the distal ileum, especially & characterized by, among others, fever, abdominal pain & diarrhea. This disease usually suffered by age 20 +. If there is ulceration on certain parts of the ileum is great, should be taken with dissection.

The treatment is performed with Imunosupresiva (kortikoida, sikloserin, azathioprine, MTX), anti-inflammatory drugs (salazopirin, EPA/DHA) and antagonists of TNF-alpha (infliximab, etanercept).

  • Colitis Ulcerosa: inflammatory Colon mucosa in the distal portion, near the rectum, and is characterized by Diarrhea with blood, fever, nausea, vomiting, anemia sufferers & be thin quickly. If there is a perforation to do surgery. Treatment with kortikoida, salazopirin, 5-ASA and azathioprine.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
that is the combined name for all functional disorder of Colon, secretion and motility characteristics with mucus increases with contraction spastis uncertain. Diet-induced low in fiber, excessive stress and psychological laksansia. The symptoms include abdominal bloating, abdominal pain and spasms, diarrhea, intestinal Obstipasi interspersed reads, and lots of flatus (farts). Treatment consists of a diet rich in fiber, sedativa and spasmolitika (oksifenonium, fentonium), Anti kolinergika.

3. Diverticulosis.
Diverticula is a bowel mucosa layer showing off-through a weak part of the muscle layers, due to strong pressure from within the lumen. Often arise in the colon, sigmoid, and especially the disease suffered by many elderly. The cause is idiopathic, but no relationship with diet-low-fiber. Inflammation of diverticula can cause bowel perforation, abscess formation and peritonitis.
Handling divertcula without any complications with dietary fiber (20 g a day). Treatment consists of antibiotic metronidazole and gentamicin/cefalosporin.

4 Polyps.
A polyp is a lump into the gut cavity on the surface mucosa of colon with the potential of developing into cancer of the colon/rectum. It is therefore recommended that the polyps are removed by surgery. Most polyps do not give symptoms, and usually the polyps were discovered accidentally, e.g. when examined with x-rays or colonoscopy.
Handling with fibrous and low fat diet, additionally performed colonoscopy.

That's a couple of examples of diseases of the digestive tract, follow the medical information on this blog.
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